Integration for Life Member Calls

<Insert recurring date and time of calls>


6:30 to 8:30 PM PT on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Month Theme Call Date Time
February Values alignment
March Changing narratives March 12 7:00 PM
April Understanding your needs April 16 6:00 PM
May Cultivating Joy May 21 6:30 PM Embodying the energy of Spring!
June Nature connection June 18 6:30 PM Make the best of the warm months
July Attitudes and beliefs July 16 6:30 PM
August Self-compassion August 20 6:30 PM
September Boundaries September 17 6:30 PM Creating and respecting boundaries (yours and others)
October Deepening relationships October 15 6:30 PM
November Heart-centered communication November 19 6:30 PM In time for Thanksgiving
December Practicing gratitude December 17 6:30 PM In time for the holidays
January Finding your Ikigai January 6:30 PM Start of the new year


Tentative schedule: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM ET, on the 3rd Thursday of the month.